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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  April 25, 2012 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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anymore. we have a fun show tomorrow. we have five pictures of us five when we were five, tomorrow at 5:00. there is a great point about it. hope to see you tomorrow. >> bret: a one-time incident or the tip of the iceberg? new questions tonight in washington. this is "special report." ♪ ♪ >> bret: good evening. i'm bret baier. head of the homeland security department insists president obama was never at risk as a result of the prostitution scandal involving a dozen secret service agents in colombia. but there are questions tonight about whether there is something seriously wrong at the agency. correspondent doug mckelway has tonight's top story. >> reporter: in her first congressional testimony since the scandal broke, the secretary of homeland security was asked if the cartagena affair is part of a cultural problem in the secret service. >> mr. chairman, i asked the
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same question. and over the past two-and-a-half years, the secret service office of professional responsibility has not received any such complaint. >> one inquisitor read from a "washington post" article that quoted secret service office they're claimed the behavior is common. >> it really only blew up in this case because the u.s. embassy was alerted. >> this behavior is not part of the secret service way of doing business. they're very professional. >> the author of "in the president's secret service" believes this incident was an aberration. >> this is not representative of culture in the secret service but it's a symptom of larger management problems. that condone corner cutting. >> to date, the scandal erupted when the suspected prostitute demanded more money, ended career of six secret services officers. seventh has been cleared with a series misconduct. two additional employees were cleared of serious misconduct.
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two more employees chosen to be resign. the secret service is moving to revoke security clearance of another. the separate investigation in military personnel involvement is moving less quickly. >> i'a very disappointing briefing from the military today. they had no details. didn't know who was in charge on the ground at the time. >> today, jay carney said the president is still angry over the scandal, though yesterday in an appearance on late night with jimmy fallen he used a less pointed phrase. >> 99.9% of everyday, they put their life on the line and they do a great job. so, a couple of knuckleheads shouldn't detract from, you know, what they do. >> reporter: with unfortunate timing another prostitution scandal came to light today. three u.s. marines in brazil were punished after a prostitute they engaged tried to get in their closed moving car, fell and was injured.
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the military law forbids prostitution in the countries that it's illegal. they can face dishonorable discharge and up to a year in jail. >> bret: more in the panel. thank you. mitt romney's path to the republican nomination is easier tonight. maybe a lot easier. he blew through a quintet of primaries tuesday. today, one of two premaining rivals admit -- remaining rivals admitted what everyone already knew. we have tonight's campaign update. >> sweeping all five primaries tuesday night, mitt romney declared the g.o.p. nomination his. he is framing the fall race with rhetoric from the last two challengers to defeat incumbent presidents. candidate clinton who ousted george w. bush. >> it's still about the economy. we're not stupid. >> and reagan who asked are you better off than you were four years ago? >> is it easier to sell your home or buy a new one? >> no. >> have you saved what you needed for retirement?
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>> no. are you making more at your job? >> no. >> reporter: romney began to emphasize fairness for the policies that divide america. reince priebus put the title of presumptive nominee on romney. the latest fox news poll shows the president and romney locked in a dead even tie, 46 to 46%. real clear politics average of recent poll before the fox survey showed the president leading by 3.9 points. the fox poll suggests obama with a five-point advantage with women and romney has four-point advantage with men in the poll 3% margin of error. in a maller break-out sample of decisive independent voters with a larger 8 point margin of error. romney leads by 13 points. sign of trouble for democrats and the obama re-election team. with a total of two primary
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wins and $4.3 million in campaign debt, newt gingrich concedeed to romney by phone and aides say after completing the north carolina campaign schedule this week will formally suspend he is campaign this coming tuesday. aides say gingrich is likely to endorse romney soon, but no date has been set. >> it is clear romney will be the nominee. we will the everything he can to make sure he's effective and we as a team are effective in winning this fall and governing. >> when it comes to the november election who voters think is best to tack the economy, the fox poll show two out of three american voters think neither obama nor romney have clear plans. bret? >> thank you. orders for durable goods dropped 4.2% in march. that is the steepest fall since january of 2009. stocks were up today. the dow added 89. s&p 500 gained 19.
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the nasdaq closed 68 ahead. the president at that hour is at the white house for campaign event. earlier he wrapped up a quick blitz of colleges aimed to reignite the re-election enthusiasm among one of the core constituencies. one issue looms over all others for all groups. chief white house correspondent ed henry has the story. >> as president obama visited another university in another battleground state to push the plan to stop student loan interest rates from doubling -- >> hello hawkeyes! >> house speaker john boehner tried pre-empt him. declaring he will have a friday vote to freeze the rates and pay for it by dipping in funds for the president's healthcare law. >> for the president to go out and to campaign on this, with taxpayer funds, is inventing an issue that does not exist. >> the move came after charging the white house to distract from recovery.
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>> they don't get it. this is about your future. as you do well, the economy does well. >> the battle came as the president got some positive news on the economy, starting with better than expected earning report that boosted wall street. may complicate the general election strategy. >> what do we show for 3-1/2 years of president obama? is it easier to make ends meet? >> after two days after meetings, the federal reserve declared that the jobs picture is getting better, predicting unemployment will be down around 7.8 president near the election. the outlet for economic growth is more optimistic. though he was careful to note there are still major head winds from housing, and the european debt crisis. >> the most frustrating aspect of the recovery has been that it's been quite slow. in a fox poll, 83% of voters
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think the country is still in recession and 35% say it could get worse. which is why the president seems to be facing enthusiasm gap even on some of the college campuses. >> right now, the economy isn't doing that well and a lot of jobs are laid off. i need a job to pay you have everything i've going through to try to get a job. >> senior administration official said speaker boehner changed his position because the ryan budget would keep student interest rate high. they are at lagerhead how to pay for the deal. the white house see this as unworkable. >> live in the north lawn. the campaign event we talked about in the introthere is not at the white house. it's at local hotel in washington. >> which best describes the secret service scand? text sr1 to 36288 if you think it was a knucklehead mistake. sr2 for serious threat.
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sr3 for syste systemic problem. sr4 if your attitude is what's the big deal in results later. up next, is the government trying to take over control of the internet? i [ male announcer ] this is lawn ranger -- eden prairie, minnesota.
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let's solve this. >> bret: more than a decade in 21st century, some lawmakers want to get rid of a 70-year-old law they say leads the country open to cyber attack. president obama has other ideas. chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel has a late-breaking story from capitol hill. good evening, mike. >> good evening. ahead of debate in the house and a vote late today, the white house issued a veto threat. in a statement the white house said bipartisan bill does not
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protect privacy and quote for the reasons stated herein, if hr-3523 were presented to the president the senior advisors would recommend he veto the bill. late today, house speaker john boehner defended the bill and blasted the veto threat. >> the president wants to government to set the standards and write the law for what cyber security is going to look like. if you want to get the american people exercise put government in charge of the internet. >> the white house and the senate democrats prefer senate cyber legislation, they argue is more comprehensive than the house version. >> this is a debate going on. some of the privacy groups said that our wording on the information sharing part of this cyber security bill is best they've seen. >> the tov intelligence officials say there is a need
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for swift action noting the government must protect private industry from the internet predators that current law does not allow. >> when they're included process of getting classified information you are prohibited bylaw sharing that from anyone outside of the government. so it builds a barrier which is troublesome if you think we have information in the government, if we could share it in a classified way, could offer huge benefits to people on their laptop at home. >> they will add legislation on the house floor and they hope the amendments will address the administration concerns. bret? >> we'll follow this one in the online show tonight. mike, thank you. >> arizona controversial immigration law got its day in
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court today. supreme court. correspondent shannon bream looks at a day of arguments. >> a heated debate over the arizona immigration law, sb-1070 rageded first outside the supreme court and then inside as the justices tack the quell of whether or not arizona overstepped the bounds when it passed the controversial measure. justice antonin scalia asked if someone who does not belong in the country is in arizona, arizona has no power? what does sovereignty mean if you can't defend your boarder? john roberts said the state law establishes a framework for letting immigration officials know when an illegal immigrant is picked up in arizona. when solicitor general disput disputed the interpretation of the law, exasperateed roberts replied "it seems to me that the federal government doesn't want to know who is here illegally or not." he seemed to fight an up-hill battle today. at one point, just analysis sonia sotomayor noted you can
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see it's not selling very well. why don't you try to come up with something else." but she and justices stephen breyer and ruth bader ginsberg did voice concerns that even those here illegally could be caught up in the sb-1070 net. justice breyer presented a hypothetical case of a new mexico man arrested while jogging in arizona without sufficient i.d. can you represent to us he will not stay in jail and defence for a significantly longer period of time than he would have stayed in the absence of section 2b of the law? opponents of sb-1070 say they are encouraged. >> it became clear through the court of today's argument, that the justices are concerned about a system of mass incarceration that is going to catch u.s. citizens and immigrants who are lawfully in the united states. >> though arizona governor jan brewer is feeling optimistic. >> i think that we will succeed and looking forward to june. >> justice elena kagan didn't
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take part of the case because she served as solicitor general when they prepared the case against arizona. if this ends in a tie, the ninth circuit provision striking down key provisions of the law will stay in effect. bret? >> bret: shannon bream live outside the court. thank you. still ahead -- a former democratic presidential candidate tries to stay out of prison. first, gasoline, born in the usa. more than 150 million professionals are connecting here. linkedin connects with the big board.
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>> bret: investigators say they have located the $1.6 billion in customer funds that disappeared from grokrage firm mf global. it's spread out among the company's british subsidiary, commodity customer account and other financial institutions. it's not known how much of that money can be recovered.
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protestsers disrupted the general electorate shareholders meeting today in detroit. more than 1,000 people marched to the renaissance center to call for g.e. to pay its fair share in taxes. about two dozen people inside the meeting broke out in a chant. they were escorted out. speaking of money, one company is making a lot of it. by applying the "made in america" label to gasoline. senior correspondent eric shawn has the story of energy born in the usa. >> a u.s. firm, united refining oil company markets the gasoline that way. >> united refinery oil company makes gasoline with 100% north american crude oil. >> the oil comes mostly from canada, the rest from the u.s. and all refined here. the unusual marketing move struck a nerve, says the company chairman john, who says profits are up since the campaign started. >> anytime they get annoyed at
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b.p. me trelum and anytime they're annoyed at the middle east, you know what they say? why don't we buy american oil? >> they sell it at quick fill, country fair and keystone stations in the northeast and it's refined in pennsylvania. he says reducing dependence on foreign oil will lower prices. you're saying not having mideast oil is more stable? >> much more stable to our security, to our supply system. >> some industry analysts doubt that american only gas can affect prices. noting that the cost of crude is set on global markets. but others say more gas made in the usa will make a difference. >> more production over the long run is lower gasoline prices. >> most customers we talk to appreciates the american only gas. >> i don't go to b.p. or anyplace else, i buy it here because it's made in usa. >> i'm one of the americans that is upset about us being so tied to other countries for
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our oil and gas. i would much prefer to buy american than to buy from other countries. >> according to the u.s. energy administration, u.s. imports 45% of the crude oil from foreign sources. from a high of 60% in 2005. they're optimistic with american oil the nation can one day turn off the foreign spigot. in new york, i'm eric shawn, fox news. >> bret: the european union head office is pushing for an increase in the e.u. budget to promote economic growth. critics say e.u. institutions are already living beyond their means. meanwhile, europe central bank says credit is now easier to get. but there is little demand because of worries about the economy in europe. some of the people at the top of news corporation, which owns this network are testifying before immediate ethics inquiry in london this week. senior foreign affairs correspondent greg palkot shows us what happened when the big boss showed up today.
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>> rupert murdock chairman of the news corporation, parent company of fox news testified in london before judicial inquiry after media ethics. it's a day after james murdock was questioned for five hours he was asked about his and his company's relations with an influence on politicians here. starting with margaret thatcher. he denied he ever requested anything in return though they were interested in meeting him, including from former prime minister tony blair, who he backed. >> i in ten years never asked mr. blair for anything. nor did receive any favors. if you want to check that, you can call him. >> not to say things were always chummy between murdock and leaders here, including former labor prime minister gordon brown who murdock claims said this after hearing he wouldn't endorsed by murdock's sun newspaper. >> he said well, your company
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has made, declared war on my government. we have no alternative but to make war on your company. >> they've closed "news of the world" newspaper that triggered this inquiry, murdock had this to say. >> i don't believe in using hacking or using private detectives or whatever. that is a lazy way of reporters not doing their job. >> he is going to appear before second and final day tomorrow. in london, carl paladino, fox news. >> bret: nato says two service members have been killed in separate attacks in southern afghanistan over the past two days. commanders say two others died in the same period from non-battle injuries. we don't have names or nationalities yet. activists in syria say security forces fired rockets that ripped through a building in hamas today killing 12
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people there. heavy fire was reported in damascus. they said they should consider military action if the current piece plan continues to fail. the grapevine is next. don't forget, tonight's infinitive to sponsored text to vote question. which best describes the secret service scand to colombia? text sr1 if you think it was a knucklehead mistake. sr2 if it's a serious threat. sr3 for systemic problem. sr4 if your attitude is what is the big deal? results are coming up. g to the , ford is having some sort of big tire event. i just want to confirm a few things with fiona. how would you describe the event? it's big. no,i mean in terms of savings how would you sum it up? big in your own words, with respect to selection, what would you say? big okay, let's talk rebates mike, they're big they're big get $100 rebate, plus the low price tire guarantee during the big tire event.
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>> bret: now fresh picking from the political grapevine. president obama thinks climate change will be an issue in the fall campaign. the president tells "rolling stone" -- "those who look at the signs of climate change are scared and corn concerned about a general lack of sufficient movement to deal with the problem." however one scientist who was at the forefront of the environmental movement now admits his own projections were alarmist and says predictions from others like al gore were too. james lovelock who developed the guya theory that says earth is a single self-regulating organism tells msnbc that climate change is still happening but not as quickly as he once thought. six years ago he wrote before the century was over billions
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of people would be dead and the rest would be surviving in the arctic. now he says scientists just don't know. reality star and party crasher salaheh is running for virginia governor next year. he filed initial paperwork with the state to run as a republican. salah says one of the campaign platforms will be keeping litigation low, which is ironic since he is suing journey guitarist neil shawn for $50 million. he says the his before wife ran off with sean, the salahis were set to make a fortune from tv deals. finally late last week, it was hard to believe, but grapevine brought to you a story about polygamy and the family toys are/of both mitt romney with his great grandfather and president obama with his father, grandfather and great grandfather. tonight the second polygamy
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story if five days, at a volume discount. south african airline is offering limited promotion for male passengers travelling with multiple wife. wife number four will fly for free as long as the husband pays full price for the other three women. the government star witness in the case against former democratic presidential candidate john edwards had more damaging testimony today. correspondent jonathan serrie is following the trial in greensboro, north carolina and joins us live. good evening. >> good evening, bret. edwards' defense team is trying to say the key witness is opportunist who attempted to profit from john edwards and his affair. earlier, andrew young testified that edwards asked him to claim paternity of the illegitimate child in his 2008 bid for the white house and edwards asked him to approach wealthy donors for funding to keep the mistress in hiding. in cross examination, the lead attorney abbey lowell questioned inconsistencies in
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young's statements. >> they need to attack andrew young's credibility as much as possible, preferably trying to show as many inconsistencies between that testimony an other. stays he made, maybe something in his book, anything to say not only is he untrustworthy guy but point to things that he might have been lying in court. young decided to write his tell-all book "the politician" if 2009 when edwards admitting an affair with hunter still did not acknowledge he was the father of the young mother. young said he claimed paternity of the child, it hurt his job prospect. he said the meeting of any substance with edwards occurred in august of 2008. in the meeting he said edwards denied any knowledge of checks that philanthropist rachel bunny melon had been funneling to young and his wife to pay for the luxury accommodation and travel. young said he told edwards he kept evidence of everything
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that happened edwards looked at him and said, "you can't hurt me, andrew. you can't hurt me." cross examination scheduled to resume tomorrow. >> bret: we'll follow it. thank you. military judge refused to dismiss charges against army private bradley manning. the soldier accused of allowing classified government information to be published on the website wikileaks. the defense contended that the prosecution took too long to defend prosecution. we talk about the obama-romney matchup, where it's headed and what i appears to be newt gingrich's swan song. the fox all-stars join me after the break.
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because he has failed he will run a campaign of diversions and distractions and distortions. that kind of campaign may have worked at another place and a different time, but not here.
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not now. it's still about the economy. and we are not stupid. >> this isn't about class warfare. we have want every american to succeed. we also understand we're in this thing together. and america is not about just a few people doing well. it's about everybody having a chance to do well. >> bret: president obama on the road over the past couple of days and the presumptive republican nominee mitt romney. the latest fox news polls have it neck and neck. essentially tied. 46% there. and you can see the margin of error plus or minus 3%. the president's job approval rating in this poll, 45% disapprove. 51%. gallup had 50% approve earlier in week. the polls are right around there. this is an interesting question. what best describes your thought about the nation's economy? there you see, 48% believe the economy is in recession, but getting better. you see the breakdown of other
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questions here. bring in our panel, steve hayes for "weekly standard." a.b. stoddard of the hill. syndicated columnist charles krauthammer. charles, the president really two days of nonstop campaigning in different college campuses, really going after the youth vote. what about this back and forth? >> well, i would say he has been nonstop campaigning since labor day. a little more obvious this time and moves on. the supposed policy trip are all campaign rally. we are aware, it makes sense. we are in a dead heat. republicans are demoralizing because they had a big lead a year ago, six months ago. when you blow a nine run lead. you feel that you will lose and the score is tied and going in extra innings. they are evenly matched. obama has problems. his record.
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romney has a problem, less attractive personality than obama is. if you look at numbers, gender gap of 5%. republicans are on the short end with women. and i think as predicted i'm not sure there surprises here. the one thing i would say is that on both sides of the decline is enthusiasm. obama is not going to have the young people coming out as they did in 2008. i think romney has an enthusiasm gap. conservatives are not going to come out as they were in 2010. i think each has to work on his own constituency. >> bret: a.b., the president over the past couple days has been talking to the students about a plan to stop student loan interest rates from doubling july 1. now boehner says there is a vote in the house on friday. you do just that and to pay for it by dipping in funds in president obama healthcare law. the speaker was talking about that a couple of hours ago.
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take a listen. >> i think obviously that i would be a better candidate. the objective factor is the voters didn't think that. i think it's very, very important that we be unified. nothing should stop, no conservative anywhere in america should j any doubt about defeating president obama. >> bret: that was the wrong speaker. i was talking about speaker boehner. that was speaker gingrich. we'll get to that in a second and his campaign. speaker boehner said for the president to go out and campaign on taxpayer funds is inventing an issue that does not exist. what about that? >> well, it's interesting. there is a long road that the funds for college age has taken. they did get moved around in order to create a wellness and
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a prevention fund in obama's healthcare law. the republicans propose to take it back and pay for the $5.9 billion extension of lower rate for only one year. in doing so, they had to explain some of the money was also used in bipartisan way a few months ago to help with extension of the payroll tax cut and other tax extension measures. this is a long story there is no paperwork left in washington and they keep moving it around. is it an issue that president obama, you know, gave sudden urgency to in the political season, the republicans point out he did not act on when he could have. democrats in previous congresss when they had majority let it lapse so they say it's hypocritical for him to say it's a desperate need now. the ultimate bottom line they will extend a lower interest
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rate in a bipartisan way to get this issue off the table. it will last for years and be back with another pay for. >> the question is what the pay for is. whether it comes from the healthcare law and comes from what democrats come from the big oil. >> they will find other things to fight about. >> this is simple. the president wants to talk about these issues that appear to a certain part of his core constituency he hopes to energize and excite and get to come to the polls in november. work for him beforehand. the kind of people going door to door, and the youth movement he inspired in 2008 to do the difficult work for president as he campaigns for the next six months. republicans want to talk about healthcare. they want to change the issue.
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they want everything about healthcare and big issues. you are seeing this campaign being fought on two levels. the obama administration want to talk about small issues that are not part of the core of his record. the republicans want to talk about big issues, debt, deficit, entitlement reform, healthcare. they are lumping the big issues together under the broad category of leadership and hope to prosecute a case against the president that says he has not let on the big issues. >> bret: now, speaker gingrich who said in north carolina essentially mitt romney is going to be the nominee. privately sources say he will suspend his campaign on tuesday. charles, your thoughts? >> well, it makes it official and gives closure, the rnc said today even with the advance of gingrich's official withdrawal they will consider
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romney the presumptive organization and will merge romney and the rnc. a done deal. after all the hard time i've given newt, he has run improbable campaign. he did really well. resurrecting himself twice. and i think he has a lot to contribute. i don't think he was cut out to be president. that's what the electorate decided. he's a great senator or ambassador. there is a place for him and i hope he gets a position of importance. >> bret: he said as much. he thought he had a chance at the beginning and went up and down but in the end it's all about defeating president obama. >> it's no surprise it he's going to come around and not go all the way to tampa as they promised he would tattoo on his forward. i think his daughter came on television the other day to explain in detail how they are working vigorously to pay back the lenders. staying on the campaign trail is a way to download some of
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his debt, just pay it off and get it off the table before he back in the citizenry trying to move the country forward. but i disagree with charles. romney campaign doesn't feel warmly about him and won't put him in the cabinet. >> i agree with a.b. i don't think there is a prospect of newt gingrich having a significant role in the romney campaign going forward for the next six month organization romney administration if romney were to win. and part of that is because he did stay around too long. you had huge chunks of the republican primary electorate enthusiastic about newt gingrich back in the days of south carolina and florida. but we have seen his numbers diminish in terms of the contest he has continued to participate in and his overall poll nationally. it's not like he is pulling in a large group of supports to help invigorate the conservatives. >> bret: go ahead. >> i'm not predicting that romney will appoint him. i'm not saying he will be an asset in the general election.
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i'm saying he would be an asset to the country in a republican administration and i hope he gets a position of importance. >> bret: down the row. newt gingrich and rick santorum, do they get prime time speaking engagements in tampa? >> no. >> no. >> santorum much more likely. >> bret: ron paul more likely than that? >> more likely than both. >> bret: next up is there a big problem at the secret service? [ female announcer ] with the all-new e-trade 360 investing dashboard free streaming quotes, all your investments, positions, and even your trade ticket are all on one customizable page. see the all-new 360 investing dashboard at e-trade.
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99.9% of every day they put their life on the line and do a great job. a couple of knuckleheads shouldn't detract from, you know, what they do. but what these guys were
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thinking i don't know. that's why they're not there anymore. >> i want to address the allegations of misconduct by secret service agents in colombia. the allegations are inexcusable, and we take them very seriously. as this investigation proceed proceeds. the investigation will be complete and thorough and we will leave no stone unturned. >> bret: tone a little different between the president and the secretary of homeland security as the secret service investigation continues about the scandal in colombia. to date, six secret service officers lost their jobs, a seventh has been cleared of serious misconduct and two additional employees have been cleared as well. two others chosen to be resign. we're back with the panel. steve, a fox news poll, one of the questions asked was about gsa and secret service. the general services administration. and secret service. could it happen under any president? 84% said yes.
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15% said bad management by this president. specifically on secret service, where do you think this is headed? what does it say about the agency abroad? >> it's a good question where it is headed. if you look at the secret service broadly, i think the -- i agree with the president. this was a small group. i don't think we're likely to find widespread abuses of this type. which isn't to say we don't go back and hear about stories of frat like behavior from ten years ago. most people at the secret service risen through the ranks of law enforcement and accomplished, work hard and the reason they do what they do is they are willing to sacrifice themselves for a greater good, the opposite of the behavior we saw on display in colombia where it was instant self-gratification and irresponsibility. i don't think it's representative of the agency more broadly and i don't think it's president obama's problem. i agree with the people polled there. i don't think it falls in the
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lap of president obama. i make a distinction on the gsa. these are people he put in charge of the gsa, people running his transition, the chief of staff was somebody who worked for president obama in 2004. his campaign. continued to work for him in the administration. he owns more of the gsa than the secret service scandal. >> i agree. secret service scandal could turn up something shocking this is the misconduct oneoff. is not endemic. this will probably bring scrutiny to those remaining there, who has security clearance and still on the job. no administration wants secret service what that that is lax or looking the other way. any of them could threaten the
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president or cabinet or vice president it could be devastating. even if it was foiled. so, it's just not the kind of thing i think that affects him the way solyndra does, a scandal involving subsidiaries and loan guarantee to political allies. this could happen to any president and probably won't be likely to happen again. >> bret: what about the tone when he answered the question on jimmy fallen's show. "a couple of knuckleheads." it's an investigation that is ending people's careers. >> he was off on the numbers but he was okay on the way he portrayed it. i'm with obama. hard to get excited about the scandal. there was real stuff happening in the cold war. the u.s. officials would be in moscow and set him up with a woman with cameras, blackmail the official. they would be able to turn somebody in agent against the united states. serious stuff. colombia is not an enemy
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country. the cold war is over. no evidence of blackmail or breach of security. i'm not an expert but cursorary look of those women involved but they don't have the appearance of skilled double agents. it's a frat acting out, spring break for men who shouldn't be doing that. grown men, they have a real responsibility. obviously, a breach of discipline and obviously it has to be dealt with but i find it hard to get extremely upset about this. there are real scandals. gsa scandal. other scandals in the country. this one is i put it a two on scale of ten. >> bret: people who say the protection of the president could have been compromised? you don't buy it. >> there is no evidence that any of it was. it didn't involve -- he wasn't on the scene. no compromise of information. if there was a ring set up chavez to get information, but
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there is no evidence of it. >> bret: that is it for the panel. stay tuned for the latest on america's hot commodity. ú0
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>> bret: we asked you in our text-to-vote poll tonight which best describes the secret service scandal. 8 percent said it was a knuckle head mistake. 31 percent said serious threat. 50 percent said system nic problem. and 11 percent said what's the big deal? that's the ones that agree with charles. the largest source of one particular export, that may surprise you. >> the story called frozen assets raises many questions about the booming business of sperm banks. it a fascinating read but america is, in fact, the gold standard of sperm. >> absolutely. >> how? why? >> well, one of the men we write about in the story has at least 70 children and perhaps as many as a thousand children in the u.s. --


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